Bern Gallery VT
The Bern Gallery

How to Clean a Grinder

Got a sticky, icky grinder? The sticky-gunk kind of goes with the territory, but you probably don’t want to go back to breaking down your herb by hand. Good news! With a little guidance on how to clean a grinder, you can have it back to shredding buds in no time. We’ve got you covered with all the details below.

The Best Ways to Clean a Grinder: Simple Strategies

Learning how to clean a grinder is pretty easy as long as you have the right tools on hand. Basically, you’ll need a few good cleaning supplies and some alcohol, and possibly a freezer.

The Quick Rubbing Alcohol Method

If you have a metal or plastic grinder, rubbing alcohol is your best friend when it comes to cleanup. Simply:

  1. Disassemble your grinder
  2. Harvest any loose plant matter you want to save
  3. Slip the grinder parts in a bowl with rubbing alcohol and soak for about half an hour
  4. Scrub with a stiff toothbrush or scrubber
  5. Rinse and dry

The Deep-Clean Freeze-It Method

If your grinder is especially funked-up, you may need to do a deep clean. This will require both alcohol and a freezer. The basic steps look something like this:

  1. Disassemble your grinder
  2. Harvest loose plant matter you want to save
  3. Place all grinder parts in the freezer
  4. Harvest the rest of the frozen plant matter with a brush and toothpick
  5. Slip the grinder parts in a bowl with rubbing alcohol and soak for about half an hour
  6. Scrub with a stiff toothbrush or scrubber
  7. Rinse and dry

How do I clean my grinder and save kief?

Kief is no doubt valuable. It’s riddled with cannabinoids and terpenes, so if you can save it, you can add an extra punch to your glass bong when you smoke fresh herb. When you disassemble your grinder, dump any loose kief into a jar for saving. Then use a soft-bristled brush to scrape out the remaining residue around the screen and grinder teeth. If you do a deep clean by freezing the grinder, this may make the remaining plant residue a little easier to remove for future use. Remember, like all other cannabinoids, keep it out of direct sunlight and in a cool humidity controlled environment if you’re going to be keeping it for any amount of time! If you’re going to be keeping it for any amount of time!

How to clean a wooden grinder?

Wooden grinders are a little more tedious to clean. The wood can become porous over time, which means deep soaking with soap and water and using alcohol can be a bad idea. Steer clear of all soaps, chemicals, and sharp objects to avoid causing damage to the wood. With a wood grinder, it’s imperative to clean it up after each use. Use a soft-bristled brush or soft cloth to wipe away the residue. It can also help to wipe down the interior of the grinder with a dab of food-grade oil, which will help thwart issues with sticky buildup.

Need a New Grinder?

If you let your grinder go too long between cleanings, getting it back to a usable state can seem all-out impossible. And, high-quality grinders are a lot easier to keep clean. If you’re in the market for a new weed grinder, be sure to check out our collection at Bern Gallery.

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